An Intellectual Between Two Worlds: Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello (1906–1969)

By October 14, 2021Events


Exhibition opening and Zoom roundtable conversation hosted by Prof. Anthony Tamburri, Dean of the Calandra Institute, with the participation of Prof. Valerio De Cesaris, Rector of the University for Foreigners of Perugia; Prof. Fred Gardaphé (City University of New York); Prof. Roberto Dolci (University for Foreigners of Perugia); Prof. Ruggero Ranieri, President of Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello; and Dr. Antonella Valoroso, curator of the exhibition and co-author with Ruggero Ranieri of the book Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello. Un intellettuale tra due mondi (Morlacchi Editore, 2019).