Romeyne Robert and
Uguccione Sorbello Fellowship

Fellowship Grant promoted by the
Romeyne Robert and Uguccione Ranieri Foundation (USA)
and the Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello (Perugia, Italy)
The grant is co-sponsored with the
John. D. Calandra Italian American Institute (CUNY)
The grant is also in partnership with the
University for Foreigners (Perugia, Italy)
and the Center for Italian Studies, Stony Brook University (SUNY)

Deadline for applications October 12, 2024

Romeyne Robert in an early 20th century photo.

Uguccione at work in his office at the General Italian Consulate in New York, 1954

Romeyne Robert and
Uguccione Sorbello Fellowship

Fellowship Grant promoted by the
Romeyne Robert and Uguccione Ranieri Foundation (USA)
and the Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello (Perugia, Italy)
The grant is co-sponsored with the
John. D. Calandra Italian American Institute (CUNY)
The grant is also in partnership with the
University for Foreigners (Perugia, Italy)
and the Center for Italian Studies, Stony Brook University (SUNY)

Deadline for applications October 12, 2024

The Romeyne Robert and Uguccione Ranieri Fellowship Grant is designed to promote and support quality research and scholarly work related to the political, historical, economic and cultural relationship between Italy and the United States, including public and private networks, institutions and individuals.
This fellowship seeks to strengthen and make visible scholarship on U.S.-Italy relations and on issues of cultural exchange.
Honoring the legacy of both Romeyne Robert and Uguccione Ranieri, the grant will be awarded to researchers of any nationality working on projects involving (but not limited to) themes and topics related to institutions active in fields such as:

U.S.-Italy political, social and economic relations
Cultural diplomacy and promotion of Italian language and culture in the U.S.
Literary and artistic exchanges between Italy and the U.S.
Women entrepreneurship and women empowerment through education

The research should result in original scholarship; e.g., an academic essay, a book chapter or a book-length manuscript.
The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute has first rights of acceptance for intended publication.
Applicants must hold a doctoral degree from an accredited institution of higher education in social sciences, economics, humanities or the fine arts, or have equivalent experience.

The Romeyne Robert and Uguccione Ranieri Fellowship Grant Selection Committee particularly welcomes applications from postdoctoral students and early career scholars.

The fellowship will provide for research support up to S10,000.

To apply, please provide:

– A resume or CV, one to two pages maximum
– A cover letter indicating your interest in the fellowship, how the fellowship will support future plans or current studies/projects, and the skills you would bring to the fellowship
– A project description including a timeline
– A budget of projected expenses
– A separate short statement explaining your academic status
– A work sample that demonstrates your proficiency as a writer, researcher, and/or communicator


For questions related to the application process or to send your application contact us at the email address

Uguccione and Romeyne on the terrace of Palazzo Sorbello, 1940.